Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Table of Contents

Is Peanut Safe for Dogs?Always Check for XylitolWhy is Xylitol Dangerous for Dogs?How Much Peanut Butter Can Dogs Eat?How Many Treats are Too Many?What Dogs Should Not Eat Peanut Butter?Dogs Can Be Allergic to Nuts TooPeanut Butter Recipe for DogsFAQs

Does your dog magically appear in the kitchen every time you open a jar of peanut butter? If so, you’re not alone!

This creamy, savory-sweet treat drives most dogs nuts (in the best way). But before you let your pup clean out your almost-empty PB jar, take note of these helpful facts and tips.

Is Peanut Safe for Dogs?

Excellent news for all those peanut-butter-lovin’ dogs out there: Mostly it’s safe for dogs to eat — in moderation of course!

Healthiest options:

  • Unsalted peanut butter

  • Dog-specific peanut butter

  • Homemade peanut butter (stay tuned for the recipe)

Bonus points for peanut butter: It’s an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins B and E, and niacin — all things your dog’s body and mind need to thrive.

Of the PB’s listed above, we recommend making your own because it won’t contain extra sugar, too much salt, or unwanted additives.

Unhealthy / dangerous options:

  • Peanut butter with too much sodium

  • Peanut butter with Xylitol (avoid it big time!)

Always Check for Xylitol

As mentioned, the one ingredient you do not want in your dog’s peanut butter is Xylitol. Not to frighten you but it could kill your dog.

For those who don’t know what Xylitol is, it’s a sugar substitute / sweetener found in some sugar-free (human) products like: chewing gum, toothpaste, breath mints, chewable vitamins, and baked goods.

TLDR: It’s safe for humans but toxic to dogs.

Some peanut butter brands use it but there are loads of others that don’t. Just be sure to check the label.

Why is Xylitol Dangerous for Dogs?

Similar to humans with diabetes, when dogs ingest Xylitol, they experience “hypoglycemia,” or a rapid plummet in their blood sugar. Within 10 to 60 minutes — so pretty quickly — you may see some worrying symptoms like: weakness, staggering, lack of coordination, collapse, and even seizures.

If you think your dog might have ingested Xylitol, call your vet asap or head to an emergency pet hospital.


If your family likes to nosh on products with Xylitol, keep them out of your dogs’ reach.


Now that we’ve scared the bejesus out of you, we’ll remind you that Xylitol poisoning is easy to avoid. It’s listed on the label so get used to checking peanut butter and other products you plan on feeding your dog.


How Much Peanut Butter Can Dogs Eat?

While it’s a-okay to give your dog lower-calorie treats on the reg — along with dog-friendly fruits and veg! — reserve more-decadent treats like peanut butter for your pup’s best behavior, stellar achievements, or a weekly indulgence.

How much peanut butter to give them kinda depends on your dog. Some pups have ravenous appetites, are super active and healthy, and have faster metabolisms. Other pups eat and move less, digest at a slower pace, or suffer from health issues.  

Our best advice is to ask your vet. This is especially important if your dog has diabetes, digestive problems, or food-sensitivity issues.

While peanut butter is rich in natural fats and protein — which are healthy in moderation — too much can lead to obesity and other health complications like pancreatitis (which really sucks, trust us).


How Many Treats are Too Many?

Good rule of thumb when it comes to treats: They should make up about 10% of your dog’s diet. Try measuring how much food you give your dog in a day, then attempt some basic math.

When to Give Your Dog Peanut Butter

As you’ll see below, peanut butter is not just a high-value training reward, it’s also a dogsend when it comes to distracting and reassuring your dog. As we pup parents know, there are definitely times when we need to divert their attention (away from our absence, danger, jarring sounds), and calm our dogs in high-stress moments.

Training — While peanut butter is helpful during recall training, maybe wait until they finally come when called, instead of giving them heaps of PB while training. No dog needs that many calories! So training treats are better.

Teaching your dog to sit, stay, or shake your hand? Once reach a milesttone, give ‘em a little spoonful of the the creamy goodness.

Distraction — Heading out for a few hours sans pup? Smear peanut butter inside a Kong and they’ll probably give it their full attention. Sure beats incessant barking or fretting anxiously about your absence.

 Reassurance — Think of peanut butter as a tasty, handy chill pill. It helps dogs feel more comfortable during an experience they don’t enjoy, like getting their nails clipped or having a bath.

Primo tip: Smear it on the bath wall or tiles while you shampoo your dog. They’ll happily lap it up while you lather and rinse.

What Dogs Should Not Eat Peanut Butter?

Reality bites. Unfortunately, not all dogs can eat peanut butter. If your dog’s any of the following, PB’s off the treat menu.  

Overweight dogs — At the risk of repeating ourselves, peanut butter is not a lite bite so it’s not ideal for heavier dogs or those on a diet. Leaner (equally delicious!) high-value treat alternatives include small chunks of boneless, cooked chicken meat or Jinx savory Chicken Jerky Tenders.

 Dogs with kidney problems — Not all peanut butters have high salt content, but a lot of them do, which isn’t great for dogs with kidney issues. If you simply can’t deny your dog the occasional, tiny scoop of peanut butter, give it to them from your homemade, unsalted batch.

 Dogs on special diets — Best to steer clear of peanut butter if your dog has food sensitivities or is on a special diet. No point messing with their health and wellness for a little decadent treat! Stick to their usual food and treats. As dull as it might seem to you, they’re still likely to enjoy it — and feel way better as a result!

Dogs Can Be Allergic to Nuts Too

How’s this for nuts? Dogs and humans share 84% of the same DNA. While we’ll deep dive into DNA another time (we’re talkin’ peanuts here!) — as it turns out, dogs can also experience peanut allergies, just like humans.

That said, nut reactions in dogs are rarely life threatening, but they are very uncomfortable. If your dog exhibits any of the following symptoms after a lick of peanut butter — no more PB for your pooch! (well, obviously) and call your vet if symptoms persist:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Skin disorders like itching

  • Hair loss or greasy coat


Bummer but true: Peanut butter is not the only food-allergy culprit. If your pup suffers with any of the above, investigate what food(s) might be causing it.  


And while the next scenario is pretty rare: Allergens can transfer from dogs to humans, so if a household member is allergic to nuts — and your dog’s been lapping up peanut butter — have them give your dog’s mouth (and breath!) a wide berth.  

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Peanut Butter Recipe for Dogs

Admittedly, it’s a bit weird jumping from peanut butter allergies to our homemade peanut butter recipe, but given most dogs are not allergic to peanut butter, enjoy this easy, awesome recipe:

1.  Roast about 1/4–1/3 of a cup of unsalted peanuts until they’re lightly brown.


2.  With a food processor or sturdy blender, whip your peanuts until smooth.


3.   Add a little oil* for your desired consistency.


*Use vegetable, peanut, olive oil, OR an animal-based oil like fish oil (that’s safe for dogs!)


Why does my dog like peanut butter?

What’s not to like about peanut butter? It ticks some serious flavor boxes — savory and sweet — and the creamy texture makes it perfect for licking their bowl clean. Dogs looove the combination of proteins and fats peanuts do such a stellar job of providing!

Can dogs eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

Yes-ish. A little bite is alright (in most cases) but giving your dog a lick of plain peanut butter is better. Jam / jelly is high in sugar (not ideal for pups), and some jams contain artificial sweeteners which you’ll want to steer clear of.


While we’re dolling out “don’ts” here, remember to:


  • Limit treats to roughly 10% of your dog’s daily intake.

  • No full PB&J sandwiches. Offering a small bite is totes fine.

  • Avoid peanut butter with Xylitol. Thankfully there are many healthy, delicious options without it.

  • Dogs can’t eat grapes or currants, so never give your pup even a little bite of a PB&J made with those jams. 


Can dogs eat crunchy peanut butter?

 While your pup’s sure to enjoy creamy or crunchy, best stick to smooth (though crunchy won’t kill ‘em!)

On the subject of smoooooth peanut butter, break out your blender and try our homemade recipe! You’ll be licking the spoon as well.At Jinx, we're here to upgrade the way you care for your dog by providing holistic nutrition made with thoughtful formulation, real ingredients, and a whole lot of love.


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